Recognizing April as Diversity Month and Autism Awareness Month

On behalf of Hope’s Leadership and the DEI Committee, we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the significance of two important events happening this April – Diversity Month and World Autism Awareness Day, which is celebrated annually on April 2nd.

We believe that it is important to recognize and celebrate the diverse voices and experiences that make our communities stronger, while also bringing awareness to important issues such as autism that affect many individuals and families worldwide. By acknowledging these events, we hope to promote inclusivity, understanding, and acceptance within our organization and beyond.

Diversity Month is an international observance established in 2004. Each April, organizations like Hope observe and celebrate diverse customs, cultures, and experiences. By doing so, we gain a greater awareness of and appreciation for our unique backgrounds and identities of others. It is important to consider the many dimensions of diversity that each merit recognition and celebration, including gender identity, sexuality, race, ethnicity, religion, generation, disability age, nationality, ancestry, regional identity, veteran status, economic status, social class origin, language, dialect, and more.

Diversity Month can be celebrated in many ways:

  • Watching a cross-cultural movie.
  • Attending a cultural art exhibit.
  • Listening to music from around the world.
  • Bringing national flags or other small objects of cultural significance to a meeting or group
    exercise for individuals to share and discuss how the item connects to something in their
  • Holding a “Global Potluck” by serving foods from different cultures

The following links provide more information on how to recognize and celebrate Diversity Month with our colleagues and clients.

What We Can Save by Breaking Unconscious Bias – TED Talk by Anurag Gupta

When and What is Diversity Month?

World Autism Awareness Day occurs on April 2nd , as sanctioned by the United Nations. This year marks the 16th annual World Autism Awareness Day. Although it is scheduled as an awareness day, Autism awareness initiatives take place throughout the month of April. The goal of this special event is to increase awareness about Autism signs, symptoms, and information.

According to the CDC, about 1 in 44 children is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Autism occurs at similar rates across all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. Hope uses this opportunity to promote kindness and inclusivity in the community. World Autism Day helps us recognize that the world is a better place when we all understand neurodivergence and work to accommodate these differences.

World Autism Awareness Day can also be celebrated in many ways:

During the month of April, as we commemorate significant events, Hope is dedicated to continuing its efforts to create inclusive programs and opportunities for our diverse community. It’s also a time to reflect on the fact that each of us has a complex blend of intersecting identities that shape our individuality. Recognizing and embracing these overlapping aspects of ourselves is crucial to fully understanding our sense of self and fostering a culture of inclusivity.