Embracing Diversity: A Vision for 2025

At Hope Services, we believe that diversity and inclusion are essential to building a strong, compassionate community. As we step into 2025, we are honored to share a thought-provoking reflection written by Kevin Phipps, one of our dedicated staff members and a valued contributor to Hope’s DEI Committee.
Kevin’s insightful message challenges us to embrace the richness of our differences, resist isolation, and welcome unfamiliar perspectives with respect and open hearts. His vision for a more inclusive and connected society embodies the spirit of our mission and the values we hold dear at Hope.
We are grateful for Kevin’s thoughtful contribution to this important conversation and for the passion he brings as a member of the Hope community. Join us in exploring his reflections and finding inspiration for the year ahead.
Embracing Diversity: A Vision for 2025 | Written by Kevin Phipps
Diversity always enriches. Coercive uniformity always reduces and diminishes. There is an innate human tendency to want that which is familiar, and comfortable, and similar to oneself and to what one has become conditioned. There is a corollary human tendency to recoil or shy away from, reject, deny, distance oneself from, and reject that which is unfamiliar, other, or “foreign” (in the most expansive meaning of that word). So, to embrace the “other,” the unfamiliar, the “foreign,” we must often step outside of our comfort zones and consider another’s point of view, background, existence, worldview, and environment. It doesn’t mean that we have to agree with, or adopt, another’s worldview; it simply means that we respect their right to hold it, and to not treat them as “less than” because they do. To do so always makes us better, wiser, and richer; it never makes us worse, or foolish, or poor.
So, as we enter a brand new year – 2025! – let us endeavor to expand our horizons, to embrace the “other,” to consider what heretofore may be unfamiliar worldviews with respect, tolerance, and appreciation for the “spice of life” that comes from a varied, pluralistic, and expansive depth and range of human experience. We can each intentionally and mindfully exercise this openness of mind in every aspect of our lives – our spirituality, our work and organizational participation, our entertainment, our recreation, our roles, activities, and functions in a diverse family, circle of friends and acquaintances, neighborhood, community, and society.
Let us resist the tendency to isolate, to always seek out the familiar and the comfortable, to reject or recoil from, rather than embrace and welcome, the “other”. May we vehemently resist the voices in our world that call for the elimination or “cancellation” of entire categories or groups of people, or the prevention of them from full participation in any and all aspects of community and society, or the rejection of their identity or lived experience. Let us welcome others into our circles and worlds who can expand our horizons and the depth and range of our personal experience. Isolation and loneliness need never be the fate of anyone. Together, we can strive to live with open hearts and minds, to tolerate, accept, embrace and welcome each other, and to build a more diverse and inclusive society in which everyone belongs and has a sense of connection and belonging. Everyone has something to contribute, to “bring to the table,” to add value to others and to the whole.
A healthy, robust, and continually advancing society cannot afford the disrespect, rejection, or disallowance of anyone’s contribution.
Happy New Year!